Corporate Governance

Cardinal upholds its core values of accountability, trust, respect and integrity. Our Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship of Cardinal and has four committees:  the Audit Committee; the Environment, Social & Governance Committee; the Corporate Governance & Compensation Committee; and the Reserves Committee.

Constating Documents

  1. Certificate and Articles of Amalgamation January 1, 2022
  2. Bylaws of the Corporation

Corporate Policies, Mandates and Corporate Documents

  1. Board of Directors Mandate
  2. Position Description of Chair of the Board
  3. Position Description of Lead Director of the Board
  4. Audit Committee Mandate
  5. Reserves Committee Mandate
  6. Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee Mandate
  7. Environmental, Social and Governance Committee Mandate
  8. Majority Voting Policy
  9. Shareholder Engagement Policy
  10. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
  11. 2023 Modern Slavery Report